Nishi Muku Samurai

Oct 25, 2016 00:24
There are two types of month; that has the 31st day, or doesn't have the day.

Today, I will introduce the Japanese phrase "nishi muku samurai," which is used for remembering months that don't have the 31st day (that is, February, April, June, September and November).

The literal meaning of "nishi muku samurai" is "a samurai who are facing the west," and it can be divided into "ni", "shi", "mu", "ku", and "samurai".

Here, "ni" means "two" (February), "shi" means "four" (April), "mu" means "six" (June), and "ku" means "nine" (September) in Japanese.

Furthermore, "samurai" implies "eleven" (November), but the reason is a little complicated.

Eleven is written as "十一" in kanji, and when you arrange it vertically, it becomes "士".

"士" (shi) means "武士" (bushi), and "武士" is equivalent to "侍" (samurai), hence "侍" can express "eleven".






No. 1 dave's correction
  • There are two types of month; that has the 31st day, or doesn't have the day.
  • There are two types of months; Ones that has the 31st day, or doesn't have the day.
  • Today, I will introduce the Japanese phrase "nishi muku samurai," which is used for remembering months that don't have the 31st day (that is, February, April, June, September and November).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The literal meaning of "nishi muku samurai" is "a samurai who are facing the west," and it can be divided into "ni", "shi", "mu", "ku", and "samurai".
  • The literal meaning of "nishi muku samurai" is "a samurai that faces west," and it can be divided into "ni", "shi", "mu", "ku", and "samurai".
  • Here, "ni" means "two" (February), "shi" means "four" (April), "mu" means "six" (June), and "ku" means "nine" (September) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Furthermore, "samurai" implies "eleven" (November), but the reason is a little complicated.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
I actually learned some of these randomly like 4510471 and 18782.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I didn't know "4510471", but it's interesting.

Many Japanese people love such a play on words.
No. 2 ピポ's correction


親指   thumb (意味がないと思うけど、調べなかった)
人差し指 pointer finger (人差し指と同じ意味)
中指   middle finger (中指と同じ意味)
薬指   ring finger (結婚指輪の指)
小指   pinky (意味がないと思うけど、調べなかった)

Thank you so much for letting me know that!

